People often ask me why I chose to become a freelance marketing consultant. Well, one of the key reasons I chose this path was the flexibility it gives you.
During the past few days had been intense. I was writing the content for a complex and very technical article for a client. I have just completed it and I was feeling very satisfied after hitting the send button. I had spent a lot of time researching technical standards and regulations. Now the article was completed and safely in the hands of the client for review. 😎 Time for me now to take a break and refresh my creative thoughts.
Working as a freelance marketing consultant means I can work from home and when needed close myself off from any outside distractions. It means I can focus on greater periods of intensity when you need to really dig in. But after those periods of intensity, we all need to take time out to refresh our thoughts. Allow our brain to reset and clear the decks so to speak.
This was such a time. After delivering the article it was that time to step away from my laptop and reward myself with a lunchtime walk. Working from home and as a freelancer means that I am fortunate in that I can generally choose when to take a break. So when the weather is so nice, as it was today, it’s great to do just that. Later that day I return to my work and catch up in the evening time with other projects.
This is just one of the reasons I chose to become a freelancer.