

Your brand your core business identity.  It’s what makes your company stand out against your competitors.  It is one of your most valuable assets as it offers a promise and user experience not only to all your internal personnel but also to new and existing customers. It is your shop window.

​Your brand is a much more than your logo.  It is what is seen and felt by your customers, stakeholders and vendors.  It is what is referred to even when you are not there.  For your brand to be seen in it’s most positive light you need effective engagement with your audiences and planned management to monitor and take care of your brand.

​As an independent consultant, I can bring an honest and objective approach to assist with your brand development. I can offer a range of services form brand audits to implementing a comprehensive brand strategy.  You may just need help with your brand creation and I can help you create and implement your brand image across all collateral from logos, websites, leaflets, brochures, promotional material, social media management, exhibitions and events – everywhere where your brand is visible.

Acclaimed Marketing Branding

“Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business”

Steve Forbes

“Our jobs as marketers are to understand how the customer wants to buy and help them to do so.”

Bryan Eisenberg


A good marketing strategy will start with a clear idea of your business vision and future goals.

Working with you on your strategy I will help you to clarify your value proposition; your target markets and bring together the most cost-effective ways to reach your potential customers.

From identifying your ideal customers to understanding their needs and aspirations to outlining your market positioning related to your key competitors, I will help you identify the gaps and opportunities for your business. 

Once agreed I can then take you through the journey and communicate effectively to your target customers with a detailed marketing plan and associated marketing campaigns.


Campaign planning is as important as setting your foundation stones in the right place at the right time.  It is essential to spend the time getting the right support in place for your strategies and communications to build upon and support your businesses growth.  But planning for what can be some complex customer journeys can be a little overwhelming.

We are in a state of constant change and the digital world, in particular, is evolving at an ever-accelerating rate.  During my many years of experience in the business to business sector, I have worked with many traditional marketing methods whilst embracing the new digital channels.  I can create a blend of the new and old channels to create campaigns to attract and retain new customers.

By understanding your customer’s touchpoint a coordinated plan and creating a mix of social media, email marketing, events and exhibitions, promotions, content creation, PR to match your strategic objectives. Working with you and understanding your objectives I will create campaigns across all your relevant channels

I will work with you and to your budget to create the right mix so optimise your value proposition to help you grow in today’s marketplace.

“If people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.”

Howard Schultz

Social Media Management
“You cannot buy engagement. You have to build engagement.”

Tara-Nicholle Nelson

Social Media

With more than 1 billion websites online today social media is a core networking tool and an essential part of any marketing mix for businesses of any size.

Competition is relentless and if you want people to find your business, investing in social media management is a must.  There are plenty of choices.  Each with there own features and benefits.    Certain social media sites also have their own advertising platforms with the ability to target demographically and geographically.  This, when used correctly, can be a powerful targeting opportunity.  But the rules (and algorithms) are constantly changing as each platform vies for increased revenue streams and ways of engagement.

If you are thinking of working on your media plan but simply just do not know where to start, don’t panic.  I can audit your current social media and make recommendations for increased reach and engagement.  I can work with you and make to establish your social media strategy and create a better online presence.