Wave Goodbye to 2020!
So, 2020 is ending and many people will be pleased to see it go! It surely has been one of the most turbulent years. A torrid year for many businesses with dramatic impact on both our personal and business life.
Whilst it has been traumatic, it has also been surprisingly inspiring. As a freelance marketing consultant, I found it fascinating looking at how businesses have changed in such a rapidly changing environment. Small businesses have kept agile and adapted. In some cases pivoting several times to adjust to changing pandemic rules and expectations. We have seen:
- Commercial airlines swap out from passenger flights to offer cargo flights
- Restaurants change from eat-in only to delivery
- Gin distilleries switch to make hand sanitiser
- Grocery stores transform from walk-ins to ‘dark store’ fulfilment centres
- Yoga classes move to online workouts.
This has taken a tremendous amount of energy, drive, and determination. With the aid of digital technology, we have seen our teams adapt to working from home.
Is the Honeymoon over with Remote Working?
Some people took to the challenge of working from home with relish. Others had a shaky start and some absolutely loathe it. But it is now established and very much a part of our working life. It is here to stay and will not be going away.
Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, GoToWebinar, to name just a few, have sprung up quickly. Employees have done their best to quickly familiarise themselves with these new digital systems. Some people have taken to it better than others. How many times have we seen ‘You’re on mute’? But nonetheless, these systems are now abundant and global. Personally, I think they are a great tool and as I have my own business, they have a central place in my digital life. However, for me, they will never replace the synergies and benefits of a face-to-face meeting. So, love it or loathe it, with the aid of these technologies it looks like remote working is here to stay.
Strive and Survive
As a freelance marketing consultant with 30 years of marketing experience, I have grown a diverse business network of trusted connections and collaborators. I’m used to adapting and pivoting. It is my job to keep engage with new digital trends. It’s one of the key reason’s I love my job as it enables me to bring a wealth of complementary services to help SME businesses. Now, as we plan for 2021, whatever that may bring, it will be the businesses that embrace these digital platforms that have the best chance of moving forward to survive and thrive.
One of the challenges I frequently hear from small business owners is ‘How can I keep my team motivated when working remotely?’ To help answer this I’ve tapped into my network and invited Jill Leake, a specialist people development consultant to give you some top tips for managing remote teams.
Guest Expert – Jill Leake
Jill Leake is the founder of JL Communications Consulting. Working as a People Development Consultant Jill has over 20 years’ experience in transforming people managers into people leaders. Jill is based in Solihull, West Midlands and uses the practical application of emotional intelligence to strengthen purpose, engagement, and productivity in employees.